The redesign consisted of reworking the size of the magazine, fonts, section openers, front and back of book layout, and photography. Front of Book: Our team decided to create three section openers with spread-worthy eye capturing photography that would best represent our Pulse, Sports, and Alumni section. The Pulse and Sports openers provide an opportunity to showcase local photographer work and the Alumni section is a great way to dig up historical photos from the University Archives. The Pulse and Sports sections incorporate more shorter pieces that break up the front of book and add more visual and diverse opportunities for our readers. Back of Book: This includes Class Notes, New Life Members, and In Memoriam. With our redesign, Class Notes has more freedom to incorporate social media findings, new book, and provides more white space for the eye. New Life Members uses Michael Chesworth's famous lion illustrations to bring nostalgia and character to the spread. To keep portraits consistent in the In Memoriam section, Randy Glass illustrates very detailed caricatures to honor those who have passed.